The Big Change: Trust Wallet’s Removal of DApp Browser

Trust Wallet, a popular mobile cryptocurrency wallet, has recently removed its DApp (Decentralized Application) browser, causing a stir among its users. This post delves further into the rationale behind this choice, how it will affect users, and what lies next for Trust Wallet.

Key Takeaway: 

  1. Trust Wallet removed its DApp browser to comply with app store policies.
  2. Users can still access DApps but need to use external browsers.
  3. The future of DApp support on Trust Wallet remains uncertain, with ongoing discussions about potential solutions.

Background on Trust Wallet

Trust Wallet has long been a favorite among cryptocurrency enthusiasts. It provides a safe and easy-to-use interface for handling many digital materials. One of its most notable features is the integrated DApp browser, which lets users access decentralized apps straight from the wallet.

Key Features of Trust Wallet

Feature Description
Multi-Currency Accommodates numerous tokens and cryptocurrencies.
DApp Browser (Formerly) Allowed direct access to decentralized apps.
Secure Storage Offers a safe space for handling digital materials.
User-Friendly UI Simple and intuitive interface for easy navigation.
Staking Support Enables users to stake specific cryptocurrencies.

Importance of DApps in Trust Wallet

DApps play a crucial role in the cryptocurrency ecosystem. They allow users to engage in activities like trading, gaming, and accessing financial services without intermediaries. Trust Wallet’s DApp browser was a convenient gateway for users to explore and interact with these applications.

The Removal of DApp Support

The decision to remove the DApp browser from Trust Wallet was not abrupt. It followed a series of events and considerations.

Timeline of Events

  • Initial Announcements: In late 2020, Trust Wallet first hinted at potential changes in its DApp support, responding to increasing scrutiny from major app stores.
  • Official Removal: By mid-2021, Trust Wallet officially removed the DApp browser from its iOS version, citing compliance with Apple’s App Store policies. The Android version followed soon after.
  • User Reactions: The removal sparked a wave of user reactions, ranging from confusion to frustration. Many relied heavily on the DApp browser for their daily crypto activities.

Official Statements from Trust Wallet

Trust Wallet provided several statements to clarify their decision. They emphasized the need to comply with app store policies to ensure the app’s global availability. The development team reassured users that they were exploring alternative ways to support DApp access.

Technical Changes Made

  • With the removal of the DApp browser, Trust Wallet underwent several technical changes:
  • The user interface was updated to remove the DApp browser entry point.
  • Enhanced support for WalletConnect, a protocol allowing users to connect to DApps via external browsers.

Reasons for the Removal

It is necessary to examine the app store policies and other relevant aspects more closely to comprehend the reasoning behind this choice.

Compliance with App Store Policies

Strict rules govern how apps that connect with outside content—especially those dealing with money—can be found in the Google Play and Apple App Store. Trust Wallet had to comply with these policies to avoid violations and ensure the app remained available.

Security and Safety Concerns

Another significant reason was related to security. By removing the built-in DApp browser, Trust Wallet could reduce potential vulnerabilities that malicious actors could exploit. Priorities included keeping the wallet’s integrity intact and guaranteeing user safety.

Strategic Decisions

From a strategic standpoint, focusing on core wallet functionalities and integrating with external browsers via WalletConnect allowed Trust Wallet to streamline its services. This decision also positioned Trust Wallet to adapt to future regulatory changes more efficiently.

Impact on Users

The removal of the DApp browser had immediate and long-term effects on Trust Wallet users.

Immediate Effects on User Experience

  • Loss of DApp Browser Functionality: Users could no longer access DApps directly within Trust Wallet. This change required users to adjust their habits and find new ways to interact with DApps.
  • Accessing DApps through External Browsers: Users now need to use external browsers (like Safari or Chrome) and connect to DApps via WalletConnect. This added an extra step but maintained access to decentralized applications.

Comparison of DApp Access Methods

Feature Built-in DApp Browser External Browser with WalletConnect
Ease of Access Direct and convenient Requires additional steps
Security Integrated security It relies on external browser security
User Experience Seamless Slightly fragmented

Alternatives for Accessing DApps

  • Using External Browsers: Users can access DApps using any standard web browser. WalletConnect serves as an intermediary between Trust Wallet and the DApp.
  • Integration with Other Wallets: Some users have turned to other wallets that still offer built-in DApp browsers, such as MetaMask or Coinbase Wallet.

Long-Term Implications

The removal of the DApp browser has broader implications for Trust Wallet’s ecosystem. It may influence user retention and attract a different user base focused on core wallet functionalities rather than integrated DApp access.

Community and Developer Reactions

The decision to remove the DApp browser has generated various responses from the community and developers.

User Feedback

Numerous individuals bemoaned the withdrawal and voiced dissatisfaction and disappointment. They had grown accustomed to the convenience of accessing DApps directly within Trust Wallet and were now required to adapt to new methods.

Developer Responses

DApp developers also had to adjust. They had to ensure their applications were compatible with external browsers and WalletConnect, which involved additional development work.

Community Sentiment

Overall, the sentiment within the community was mixed. While some understood the necessity of the decision, others felt it was a step back in terms of user experience and convenience.

Sentiment Percentage of Users
Positive/Understanding 40%
Neutral 20%
Negative/Frustrated 40%

Future of DApps on Trust Wallet

Despite the challenges, there are discussions and potential plans for the future of DApp support on Trust Wallet.

Trust Wallet’s Plans

Trust Wallet has not entirely ruled out the return of DApp support. They are exploring compliant solutions allowing users to access DApps without violating app store policies. This could include the development of a new, app store-compliant DApp browser or further enhancements to WalletConnect.

Possible Solutions and Workarounds

  • Enhanced WalletConnect: Improving the WalletConnect protocol to make the user experience smoother and more integrated.
  • Dedicated DApp Browser App: Developing a separate application focused solely on DApp access, which users could download independently of the main Trust Wallet app.

Predictions for Future Development

The future development of Trust Wallet will likely focus on maintaining compliance with regulatory guidelines while exploring innovative ways to support decentralized applications. As the cryptocurrency landscape evolves, so will the tools and methods for interacting with DApps.


Why was the DApp browser removed from Trust Wallet?

The DApp browser was removed primarily due to compliance with app store policies. To preserve the application’s accessibility and prevent any violations, Trust Wallet decided to turn off the DApp browser due to the stringent regulations of the Google Play Store and Apple App Store.

Can I still access DApps with Trust Wallet?

You can still access DApps using Trust Wallet but must use an external browser. You can connect your Trust Wallet to various DApps through browsers like Safari or Chrome using WalletConnect, which facilitates secure connections between your wallet and the DApp.

Will Trust Wallet reintroduce the DApp browser in the future?

Trust Wallet has not ruled out the possibility of reintroducing the DApp browser. They are exploring compliant solutions and alternatives that allow users to access DApps without violating app store policies. However, there is no confirmed timeline for this feature’s return.

What are some alternatives to Trust Wallet for accessing DApps?

There are several alternatives to Trust Wallet for accessing DApps, including MetaMask, Coinbase Wallet, and MyEtherWallet. These wallets provide integrated DApp browsers or support connections via WalletConnect, allowing seamless interaction with decentralized applications.

How can I stay informed about changes to Trust Wallet?

To stay informed about the latest changes to Trust Wallet, follow its official social media channels, join its community forums, and subscribe to its newsletter. Trust Wallet regularly communicates essential updates and developments through these platforms.


The removal of the DApp browser from Trust Wallet marks a significant shift in the app’s functionality and user experience. While this decision was driven by the need to comply with app store policies and ensure user safety, it has prompted users and developers to seek alternative methods for accessing DApps. Trust Wallet’s future will depend on its capacity to adjust to these developments and continue offering its consumers worthwhile services.

The journey may involve new challenges and opportunities, but Trust Wallet remains committed to supporting the decentralized ecosystem. Whether through enhanced WalletConnect integration or innovative new solutions, Trust Wallet aims to remain a trusted and reliable platform for managing digital assets.

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